In the classes of the Academy you will learn how to navigate with ease through Upya Manage solution. The classes are about:

  • Set Up module where you can get started and set your configurations

  • Manage module where you can run your day-to-day activities

  • Analyze module where you can get a detailed picture of your operations

  • Mobile app which is an essential tool for your agents to interact with clients


  • Can I restart a course?

    Yes, you have an option to do the course from the very beginning

  • Who has access to Upya Academy?

    Now only selected champions have access to the Academy

  • Can I access the Academy content later?

    Yes, the content is always available as long as you use Upya

  • Do the Academy courses correspond to updates on Upya Manage platform?

    Yes, the content is constantly updated based on any changes on Upya Manage